Saturday 30 March 2013

Snow - March 2013

Our garden early on Saturday, 23 March - we'd had something like 9 inches of snow overnight.

Trees on the edge of the green at the top of East Bank, Winster - Sunday, 24 March.

After bottling out of driving to work on Monday morning, I walked up West Bank (which was closed) in the afternoon to see if conditions had improved.  The road was still only one lane, but at least the worst of the snow had melted.  By the following morning the snow plough had been through and cleared both lanes.

Mosey Mere looking towards the lane to Bonsall, Monday 25 March.

Although the roads were generally clear, parking was still a nightmare on Main Street, Winster into the middle of next week and beyond.
The following Saturday we decided to go up onto Kinder for a walk.  This is Edale village - it must have been interesting earlier in the week!!

The worst snow we saw was on the road between Ashford-in-the-Water and Wardslow, above Monsal Head.  I've never seen snow banks this big in the UK before, even in Scotland.