Sunday, 10 February 2008

Oxlow Caverns, lambs and celandines

On our way to Oxlow Caverns (a trip which turned out to be abortive when a 60m rope turned out to be only 52m, so we had to turn back just above the last pitch), we spotted a ewe with a lamb so new-born that it was still wobbly. After the trip we noticed that the field nearest to the farm was actually full of little ones. They're lucky that they've been born during some glorious sunny days, although the nights are probably mostly below freezing.

On the way back, just as we were leaving Buxton I spotted some trees on the back road where the ground was carpeted with flowering celandines, the first ones I've seen this year. They must be in a very sunny, sheltered spot because they're well ahead of any others.

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