Wednesday 28 October 2009

Bradgate Park with Jill

Jill and I met just after 11am and headed off up the hill to escape the throngs of people enjoying half term - aagh (forgot that when we agreed to meet!). The weather was better than expected and we enjoyed the sunshine.

The view across the park towards Leicester to the southeast.

After a stop at Old John Tower for a tea break and a chat, where we were mobbed by multi-coloured ladybirds, we started down the hill and discovered a worn out bumble bee, which we moved from the path and deposited on some rocks.  We tried to ply it with Jill's special chi tea, but it wasn't impressed, so we left it to its own devices and headed on.

Out in the open we came across some people stalking (for want of a better word) some Red deer stags, with very large antlers.  We opted for the cowardly approach and headed off across the bog, far away from the main path.  They were probably quite safe, but neither of us wanted to risk it, so close to the rutting season.

In the end our tree was in sight and we stopped for lunch, watching some Fallow deer stags grazing close by.

Our 'lunch' tree.

Fallow deer grazing under the trees.

After another break for a pot of tea and a shared piece of ginger cake at the cafe, we followed the 'road' back to the main car park and parted company around 4pm.  What a lot of talking we did... as usual!

Bradgate House, where Lady Jane Grey was born.

The war memorial and Old John Tower on the skyline.

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