Thursday 10 September 2009

Around Sas de Putia

The usual breakfast routine over, we hopped in Biscuit Tin and drove north, for a change, to San Martino and then left (west) to Passo della Erbe. It was very busy when we arrived and it looked as though you could only park between 7:00am and 2:00pm, but then we realised that you have to pay if you park between these times. There were even coaches pulling up disgorging hordes of walkers; Paul likened it to Pen y Pass and a walk up Snowdon. Sadly this proved to be true.

Where we were meant to be headed (to the top!).

Unfortunately it proved to be one of those days when I just wanted to wee all day (or I would have done if I’d continued drinking!) and there was NOWHERE to go.

The first part of the walk was quite pleasant despite the hordes, but then we turned a corner entering the valley up to the pass and the view did NOT inspire me with motivation or confidence. Well I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Looking back down the valley.

I basically put my head down and plodded all the way to the top, reminding myself of how I'd managed on the Inca Trail. We reached the col and decided not to try for the top, but to do the circuit of the peak.

By two-thirds of the way round what was probably only about 8/9km, 10km at the most, I was completely knackered. My legs are still aching like hell. At times, it was as much as I could do to put one foot in front of the other, my muscles were so tired.

Needless to say, I didn't have a late night!

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