Saturday 5 September 2009

Travelling to Pedraces

Left home around 1:30pm and drove through to East Midlands without incident. The car park was pretty darn full, but we found a space and the bus came along soon after. We got a seat on the plane without any problem and the flight was only ten minutes late so all was well. Despite all my panicking about having booked Paul's car into the car park instead of mine, having got the flight times wrong by two hours etc, etc, it all went smoothly. The flight was a bit of a pain with my cold though as my ears refused to equalise.

We landed, got our luggage, went straight to Dollar/Thrifty for the car hire paperwork, walked straight to the car, a Nissan Micra (that I’ve since christened Biscuit Tin cus it sounds like one) and off we went.

After the first few junctions we were on the main dual carriageway/motorway and I settled down. After about an hour we reached Belluno where we turned off last time, but this time we continued on and turned west to Cortina. I’m not entirely sure this was a good plan, but without studying the map very closely, I don’t think you’d be able to tell whether it’s less twisty stuff or not. Suffice it to say that there seemed one hell of a lot of twists and the ups and downs were annoying with my ears not popping properly. Paul suggested at one point that I might need to speed up and I suggested that we might want to get there in one piece without hurtling down the side of a mountain – seemed sensible to me.

Anyway, we arrived at about 12:15am, spent about ten minutes driving up and down the road before we finally found the place, parked until a pine tree, and found that someone had indeed waited up for us. She was very keen and soon showed us to our room, which was warm and comfy. Too bloody warm actually, but whatever, I was just glad to be completely horizontal.

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