Saturday 12 September 2009

Passo Tres Croci Son Zuogo

We packed and left Haus Vallentin after breakfast and headed east up the Falzarego Pass for the last time and down into Cortina.  We ended up going almost completely around the one-way system and had, in fact, been spat out the far side of town before we managed to work out how to get to the road we needed.

We finally arrived where we needed to be and found somewhere to park.  The walk appeared to follow the contours pretty closely, so I was hoping there wouldn't be too much up and down (particularly the down, I did enough of that yesterday!).  We hadn't gone very far when we spotted some old WWI fortifications of some description.

Judging by the bullet holes behind where Paul is standing, they had seen some action!  Access was supposedly not allowed, but clearly people had been inside and I went in a little way (it was pretty wet and slimy) with the teeny, tiny light on my keyring, which was bright enough to show that a passage went off the back of the room on the left and down into the hill.  Very tempting to a caver!!


A few hundred metres further on, the track, wide enough for three people to walk side by side, narrowed down to a small path.  The drops on the left hand side became quite hefty and in one or two places it made me sweat a bit as we tiptoed along over roots and loose stuff.

 Treacherous tree roots!

The walk continued to contour along the bottom of the cliffs, into clefts where small streams crossed our path.  In one small valley there was even snow!!!!

After possibly 3km, we reached a short section of via ferrata, which Paul investigated while I was photographing some...

Monks Hood



He came back to say that it was more of a handline than anything, but we always knew that we'd have to turn back at some point and so we decided that it may as well be now.

The view across the valley on the way back

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