Sunday 6 September 2009

Walk from Pedraces

Didn’t sleep that brilliantly because I was too hot, but the bed was comfy and at least I wasn’t cold... which was more than could be said for outside. 7:30 came all too soon and I dragged myself out of bed. There had been a good frost overnight. Thank God it wasn’t like that at midnight when we came over the tops, it was still 2°. Needless to say we were first in the dining room, but the rest soon appeared; Paul T, Pete Wag, Boyd and a guy who later introduced himself as Matt, a friend of Paul T's, who now lives in Richmond (?).

After breakfast we packed our rucksacks, met outside, I moved Biscuit Tin away from the pine tree, which was dropping bombs (cones) on the roof, and then we walked down to get the chair lift up onto the hill to the east of the village. I quite enjoyed the ride once I got used to the idea that I wasn’t clipped in to anything and at great height

Biscuit Tin.

Switched to the second chair lift, then the others went off to do their thing up on the tops, while Paul and I sun creamed up, walked the short distance uphill to the church, took some piccies of the Marmalada and then headed off to the south on Route 15.

What a glorious morning!! It was an absolute joy walking along at height admiring the views all around. In fact I would go as far as to say that the whole walk was a joy; glorious sunshine, fabulous views, walking by the river for two-thirds of the time, practically all downhill, what more could a girl want in a walk. Perfick.

 Looking back to Pedraces

Looking southwest towards Corvara and the Gardena Pass

I already feel tons better than I did, the clear mountain air is helping with the cold and I’m not sneezing as much today. Got back and had a shower, mainly because we didn’t have time for one last night. The shower took a while to run warm, but was actually very refreshing, and yes, (again thank God), they have towels. Not sure what we’d have done if they didn’t. The sun disappeared very suddenly at about 5:20. Dozed for a while.

Went down for happy office hour and ended up in a presentation about via ferrata, which was actually quite useful for a couple of tips. They’re off tomorrow to the one on the Gardena Pass that we did last time we were here. The others joined us in the dining room for dinner. Boyd did warn me that it was four courses, but I couldn’t believe that the lasagne was a starter and ate it all (it was lovely) and was then faced with the main meal – aagh! The food wasn’t bad, plain and simple and plenty of it if you wanted. I was completely over-faced, needless to say.Went and sat in the bar after dinner, by which time my bowels were revolting.

Paul wants to do the walk the others did today, but I’m seizing up and the thought of the same height gain as loss that we did today is scary.

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